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Book cheap plane, train and bus tickets

A revolutionary company in the travel industry! The first to introduce a virtual flight docking model - the service connects flights of airlines that do not work on code-sharing. A unique algorithm allows you to create a combination of flights, trips on trains and buses, and make up a single route.
In addition, the interface is convenient to use, which allows customers to quickly and easily make a trip route. Thanks to an extensive database of low-cost airlines and traditional airlines, an interactive map and other tools, the service will help the client to make the most convenient and cheapest route!

Benefits for buyers:

- the service works with 500+ airlines;
- round-the-clock support service;
- virtual docking;
- protection of passengers in cases of delay, flight cancellation or schedule changes;
- All major currencies are accepted.

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Book Airport Transfers in Advance at Affordable Prices | Taxi

Transfer to yourself: you no longer have to choose between "your own turn" and the transfer of the tour operator.

I, like many people, got used to two types of travels - a "ticket" or "on their own." A ticket is when you have rolled off a tidy sum at a time and then your body is transported to the destination, where they will feed, drink and put to bed. And “on your own” is when you find yourself in a crowded and noisy place with a bunch of things and don’t know where to run and what to do and whether the price of 100 euros for a taxi is normal in this city if you drive 5 km. In a particularly neglected case (greetings from the 90s) you have not even booked a hotel and plan to look for it on the spot.
But with the development of the Internet, rest "on its own" is becoming an increasingly reliable and comfortable option - it’s no secret that it’s not a problem to book plane tickets and a hotel room on your own.

But until recently, I had no idea that the transfer can also be ordered on your own and IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE TRANSFER TYPES OFFERED BY THE TOUR OPERATOR, YOU CAN ORDER A TRANSFER YOURSELF and you will be met at the airport and everything will be "as it should".
I found out about this option by accident.
My husband and two young children decided to drive us to the UAE and put together a tour with the Biblioglobus operator. During registration, we were bewildered: for 25 minutes in a passenger car with two child seats, it was proposed to pay 320 dollars (in both directions). The tour operator justified the figure by the presence of child seats - the surcharge for them amounted to $ 180!

Despite the fact that we were initially prepared for big expenses, the figure seemed simply ridiculous and unfair. For $ 180 you can buy 5 child seats and 10 boosters. And they were going to transport us not in a mini-vein (7 seats), but in a regular 5-seater passenger car, i.e. if you put 2 child seats in the back seat, then there is only 1 full-fledged passenger seat in front of the driver, and the one who rides behind will sit like a chicken on a perch.
We were advised to come and look for a taxi on the spot, but with two children, a stroller and a bunch of things, this option is also terrible.

In a word, desperate, I entered into Google "to order a transfer on my own" and on the very first link I got to kiwitaxi.
Using the site is quite simple: just enter at the top where and where you need to go, how many people you are (including children and infants).

Click "search" and see the options for cars to choose from and immediately prices.

These prices are shown WITHOUT BOARD FOR CHAIRS, but the surcharge for the seats is quite small - we got 500 rubles for 1 car seat + 1 child seat.
Choose the option that you like and proceed to checkout.
When placing an order, indicate the exact address where to take you or the name of the hotel:
Indicate the number of passengers and child seats, if necessary.

Click "next" and you will see the final price for the transfer, taking into account all kinds of surcharges (surcharge for car seats, for stops on the way, if necessary, for drinking water in the passenger compartment, etc.).

By the way, we did not order drinking water in the salon, but we were provided with it for free.
Payment options are already 4 - choose any.

Many will like the option "driver on the spot" - but here you need to clarify in what currency to pay. In many countries in the country, only the local currency is LEGALLY accepted for payment and then you will have to be confused by currency exchange right after arrival.

By the way, you can clarify any obscurity directly on the site in a chat with a consultant. I had a chance to talk with two consultants and both were impeccably polite, answered immediately and explained everything.

I chose the option with 100% prepayment on the card, so as not to bother with a cash driver.
Almost immediately, a confirmation and a voucher came to the mail: the phone of the driver was indicated, the phone of the dispatcher, all explanations and instructions were given.
The conditions for canceling the transfer and changing the master data of the order are indicated.
They also gave a 5% discount on the return transfer, which I without hesitation used on the way back.

The transfer itself went like clockwork: at the airport we were met at the appointed place, escorted to the car, and taken to the hotel.
The return transfer also went smoothly: the driver arrived 10 minutes earlier than the indicated time, but did not bother us until the indicated time, then sat down and drove off.
They helped us with loading things into the car, from the airport to the car we drove and carried ourselves.

I saw in the recall the client was outraged that the driver did not help bring her a suitcase, but, damn it, he is a driver, not a loader. Nobody, for example, thinks that a waitress should help a lady stain a wine stain on her blouse or that a flight attendant should hold your baby while you go to the toilet. In short, I do not think this is a minus. This is simply the lack of a plus. It is only in Egypt for a tip of 1 dollar in front of you on tiptoe will run.


From the airport to the hotel on the Lexus (5-seater) with two car seats - $ 65.
Back on a 7-seater mini-vein - 57 dollars.
The opposite is always cheaper, because no need to pay extra for meeting at the airport.
In total, 122 dollars came out, which is much, much better than 320))
Following the results: I recommend the service. I have no complaints.
The only negative: they do not work in all countries. For example, I looked for transfers from Seychelles out of interest (because I know what prices there, if I look on the spot, and I wanted to compare) - the company does not work there. As in the Maldives, for example.

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Поиск авиабилетов, отелей, поездов, авто...

One Two Trip - это онлайн-сервис для путешественников. В его основе лежит мощный аналитический движок, который обрабатывает данные авиакомпаний по нескольким странам и системам бронирования и находит лучшие варианты билетов. Пользователям больше не нужно просматривать сотни похожих предложений.

Поставщик онлайн-платформы бронирования авиабилетов, предлагающий быстрое и простое онлайн-обслуживание путешествий. Платформа онлайн-бронирования билетов компании позволяет заключить сделку на номер в любом из 750 000 отелей по всему миру, что позволяет путешественникам сравнивать рейсы, предлагаемые более чем 800 авиакомпаниями по всему миру, и бронировать экономичные рейсы.

#OneTwoTripcom - инновационный веб-сайт бронирования билетов с запатентованным методом продажи билетов, который экономит деньги и время путешественника. Запущенный в 2011 году, веб-сайт уже насчитывает миллионы пользователей по всему миру, и в настоящее время его команда насчитывает чуть менее 100 сотрудников из Европы, США и России.

Команда #OneTwoTrip считает, что многое еще предстоит сделать, чтобы помочь путешественникам по всему миру путешествовать умнее, проще и быстрее. Лучший опыт бронирования авиабилетов - это только начало.

В настоящее время сайт доступен на английском, немецком, испанском, турецком, азербайджанском, русском и украинском языках.

Бюро разработало базовую логику пользовательского интерфейса и его внешний вид. Карта мира на главной странице приглашает в путешествие.

Карта скользит вверх, обнажая рабочий стол с выбором билетов.
Личные и платежные реквизиты, все в одном месте.
Бюро сделало довольно много интерфейсных виджетов.

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One Two Trip - eto onlayn-servis dlya puteshestvennikov. V yego osnove lezhit moshchnyy analiticheskiy dvizhok, kotoryy obrabatyvayet dannyye aviakompaniy po neskol'kim stranam i sistemam bronirovaniya i nakhodit luchshiye varianty biletov. Pol'zovatelyam bol'she ne nuzhno prosmatrivat' sotni pokhozhikh predlozheniy. Postavshchik onlayn-platformy bronirovaniya aviabiletov, predlagayushchiy bystroye i prostoye onlayn-obsluzhivaniye puteshestviy. Platforma onlayn-bronirovaniya biletov kompanii pozvolyayet zaklyuchit' sdelku na nomer v lyubom iz 750 000 oteley po vsemu miru, chto pozvolyayet puteshestvennikam sravnivat' reysy, predlagayemyye boleye chem 800 aviakompaniyami po vsemu miru, i bronirovat' ekonomichnyye reysy. OneTwoTripcom - innovatsionnyy veb-sayt bronirovaniya biletov s zapatentovannym metodom prodazhi biletov, kotoryy ekonomit den'gi i vremya puteshestvennika. Zapushchennyy v 2011 godu, veb-sayt uzhe naschityvayet milliony pol'zovateley po vsemu miru, i v nastoyashcheye vremya yego komanda naschityvayet chut' meneye 100 sotrudnikov iz Yevropy, SSHA i Rossii. Komanda OneTwoTrip schitayet, chto mnogoye yeshche predstoit sdelat', chtoby pomoch' puteshestvennikam po vsemu miru puteshestvovat' umneye, proshche i bystreye. Luchshiy opyt bronirovaniya aviabiletov - eto tol'ko nachalo. V nastoyashcheye vremya sayt dostupen na angliyskom, nemetskom, ispanskom, turetskom, azerbaydzhanskom, russkom i ukrainskom yazykakh. Byuro razrabotalo bazovuyu logiku pol'zovatel'skogo interfeysa i yego vneshniy vid. Karta mira na glavnoy stranitse priglashayet v puteshestviye. Karta skol'zit vverkh, obnazhaya rabochiy stol s vyborom biletov. Lichnyye i platezhnyye rekvizity, vse v odnom meste. Byuro sdelalo dovol'no mnogo interfeysnykh vidzhetov.